Reiki Healing

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki Healing is a gentle, laying of the hands energy healing modality with roots in ancient Japan and Tibet. Reiki Healing energy utilizes  life force energy channeled by the practitioner to be able to move stagnant energy flow, or Ki (also known as Chi or Qi) remove blockages and restore energetic flow to the body. Reiki Healing can work directly on the body or above, it can work from a distance, and it can work to benefit many things in a person's life. It can even be used to send Reiki to the future or past, such as sending it to an interview date, a situation in your life you'd like to resolve, or to a goal. Sending Reiki to the past can benefit things like past trauma, past injuries, behavioral patterns or past experiences, past lives and more.  

How does it work?

We are alive because Life Force Energy animates us all.  Our bodies are made up of energy, and these energies flow through the body's various systems, like our Chakras, our Auras, within our organs, our blood, everything that is us.  Life has a way And when life becomes challenging, as it always does, these energies can become distorted. For some of us, that happens genetically as things are passed down through our ancestors, for others, it's your experiences in life, both past and present- there are many ways that life force energy can become disrupted. When our life force energy becomes disrupted, this is when it begins to cause us duress. 

Typically, things will start outside of the aura. Here's an example. Say you're at work, and you're having issues with communication. You state what your needs are, but they are not heard or upheld. This makes you feel powerless, and like your voice and needs do not matter. At first, this will look like suppressing your voice or needing to become passive or just accept the limitations of the situation. This can start out by feeling sad about the situation, or powerless. This is where people might just feel your sadness through your energy. This is because it's in the auric field. As If the situation continues for a time, then that might become something like a headache. That might become how you manage, things like stepping away from your needs, not being able to balance your energies, struggling with being in a toxic situation day to day. This is because that energy is clogged, unable to be changed as you're still in the situation, and likely not being cleared by you at that time due to low energy or not enough time, or even not knowing how, etc. 

This, if it sinks deeper, will look like not communicating your feelings out of fear, staying quiet to keep the peace, people pleasing, withholding, not feeling safe enough to express yourself. This can then start to create physical energetic changes over time, like a blockage. If it sinks deeper, you may find it begins to affect other parts of the body, through chronic stress, holding yourself very rigidly, stress from avoiding confrontation, upset stomach, feelings of unease, low energy, lethargy, low mood, and more. And if it sinks deeper, more physical changes would result. 

As you can see as we go through life, and we continue to stay in our patterns or in things that are very difficult for us, we do not always have the ability to shake it off or change the situation.

This is where Reiki can help. By activating a very deep state of relaxation, Reiki activates the body's own healing response, the parasympathetic nervous system.  Reiki energy can work at clearing the flow of energy, removing those blockages, balancing the energies within that center. This will clear the energy within the aura, work at clearing the blockages, allow for a normal return of energy, improvement of mood, improvement of sleep, improvement of well-being and more. Regular Reiki sessions can keep your energy running much clearer, allow you to shake things off, help keep symptoms of chronic illness at bay, and more. 

Who can benefit from Reiki?

Reiki can benefit anyone, but here are the main benefits that Reiki has been studied to bring (and why it is often used in hospitals, hospices and as a maintenance tool for many of us with chronic illnesses, as well as energy healers!)

So, who can benefit?

What is Distant Reiki?

Distant Reiki works the same as an in person session and provides the same benefits.  I use a stuffed animal to represent you, and work on the various parts of your body utilizing said stuffed animal.  I receive the same feedback from your body as I do in an in person session. This allows me to work on your field the same as I do if you are in person.  Reiki can work regardless of distance, and we gain a symbol that is able to send Reiki via distance at the same strength as a regular session in our level 2 Reiki Training. 

This allows Reiki practitioners that are level 2 and higher to work from a distance, or as mentioned, work at the past or future of a person or themselves.  This can be great for things like sending Reiki to an ailing family member who is not nearby, or to someone who struggles to leave their home, or for someone experiencing a period of sickness, etc.  We can also send distant Reiki to situations, goal manifestations, block releases, life changes, and more. 

What is  a Reiki Experience?

A Reiki Experience provides a different benefit from a Reiki Session. They are unique to the Holy Fire Reiki system, and can only be used by Holy Fire Reiki Masters.  It is not the same as Reiki infused meditation, or receiving Reiki in a meditative state. It works differently than a Reiki Session. 

Reiki experiences are designed for block releases. While I often will use them during a Reiki Session, for some added healing, they are not the same. Reiki Experiences scan your energy field and your timeline, they scan your soul contracts and what is meant for you in this lifetime, and search to release blockages related to the theme of the Reiki Experience. They are created to find specific energetic disturbances, and release them. You will be asked to either sit or lay down with a Reiki Experience, and to just allow what comes through for you, to come through. No need to control, and you can move around as much as you'd like. Many times during a Reiki Experience, divine guidance is shared with the receiver, as well as psychic impressions like visions, downloads and more.  This happens in case there's anything you need to know about what you are aiming to release, and these messages are often very personal.  

Reiki experiences do, however, provide benefits that are the same as a hands on traditional Reiki session.  This means you often experience things like reduced stress and anxiety, deep release of energy, reduced pain, improved flow of energy and well-being from a Reiki Experience. These are what I use for my meditation nights, and I also have them available for download in my shop, so you can experience that healing any time you need to. 

What is Holy Fire Reiki, and how does it differ from Usui Reiki?

I do not believe that any system is more worthy than the other. They both bring us deep healing.  I am a master in both Usui Reiki and Holy Fire®  Reiki. I have experience with both systems.  Holy Fire®  Reiki, however, does have some unique differences. I for one find it to be stronger when it comes to pain relief, the heat is much hotter than what I have experienced with the Usui System. The Holy Fire®  system allows you to give attunements and placements to students without touching them, making for a much easier process when it comes to doing Reiki levels for others, as well as the Reiki Experiences, which allow for timeline scans and targeted block release and healing, again using the same method of not needing any touch.  This allows me to work with more people at once, as it uses my auric field, and allows for a much stronger auric field for me. Holy Fire®  also is directly bonded with a Holy Fire® Master, meaning that Holy Fire® is a part of my auric field at all times, and provides me guidance, which has allowed me to have a very deep personal connection to my Reiki energy.  It also allows for a new master symbol, the Holy Fire symbol, which can bring extremely deep healing. Of course, the Holy Fire®  System was developed by William Lee Rand. Holy Fire®  is a natural development of Usui Reiki. Usui Sensei had spoken about how Reiki would grow and evolve, and we have seen this through the existence of many different systems, Holy Fire®  is simply one of those systems, and Usui Reiki will continue to grow and refine itself as well.  Holy Fire also has the option for further development after you take your Master level, with the Karuna Reiki®  system, and also has created a system that can be used to attune students online- it is also continually developing and changing, as Reiki energy was always meant to.