Psychic Mentorship

What is Psychic Mentorship?

I've been an intuitive all my life, as many of us are! I didn't have a lot of control over my gifts growing up, and that scared me. I had a lot of experiences that were hard to control, and did not have any boundaries with my psychic skills.  This of course meant that I didn't  have an off button, and that that sensitivity became very, very hard to deal with. And so like many of us, I shut my skills down out of a necessity.

Howeverrrr... what you learn when you shut your skills down, is that puts you out of alignment. It often creates energetic dissonancce within a person and can cause blockages in the energy field. It often involves denying very authentic parts of yourself, and can cause a lot of issues other places in your life. 

I've been doing psychic work for 17 years total, and for much of that, some of my skills remained shut down until I was able to align myself enough by creating big changes in my life. As I began working at taking care of myself and creating an environment that was much healthier for me, and working at releasing trauma, my skills came back online.

I have studieed psychic development throughout that 17 year process, and I've tried everything. What I've found, is that there are some ways that are extremely targeted that can open your abilities. What I found also, is that it's necessary to teach about boundaries with your gifts and spirit guides, connect you to your guidance team, allow for changes in your life and working at your healing to get you to the best version of yourself you can be, and all of this will seamlessly support your development. I also discovered that this brings a person a whole lot of inner peace, joy and compassion. It also allows you for a very strong guidance system for your personal life, healing and psychic abilities.  I believe our psychic abilities are as natural as any of our other senses, and that some of us will naturally have skill, some won't, but like anything, it can be developed and refined with practice! 

In Psychic Mentorship, I can teach you or help you refine a lot of skills, such as Tarot Reading, Shamanic Journeying, Evidential Mediumship Development Technique, energy manipulation, manifestation skills, energy maintenance, grounding, shielding and cleansing skills.  I can help you with Reiki Skills if you have your levels, and teach you to explore all of your Clair senses, your psychic senses. I can teach you how to maintain your energy, how to set boundaries with your spirit team, and how to develop your relationship with them. I also provide free resources to you in a Google Classroom for between sessions, supporting you with Reiki Experiences, development exercises, readings and more that are related to the work we're doing together and your psychic goals. Through our continued work together, I will teach you to open and develop your psychic skills, work at creating alignment in your life with you, and be a cheerleader for your progress!  I use all of my available skills  in mentorship, and it's often very personal to you what this process can look like, based on your particular goals for your psychic skills.  We play targeted development games and use exercises to develop your skills with Realtime feedback. Of course, there's always mediumship circles, which I run once a month, for further development as well! 

Mentorship does not lock you in so you are free to do as many or as little sessions as needed and I offer them at a half an hour and full hour option, both contain free resources with Google Classroom as well. 

How do I know if I'm psychic?

Here is a list of common indicators of psychic ability! Many of us have them, and do not know that we do. And yes, if you have ability, you are psychic, you do not need to be doing psychic work professionally to be psychic. It's like how one does not need to sell their art to be an artist; if you create art, that's all there is to it! While some might be professional and others may not be, that's of no matter here, you're still experiencing signs of psychic ability. 

Many times i hear, oh but I'm not psychic, so let me tell you a story. I was doing psychic work for ten years before I added the psychic label to my work. Even though I was doing psychic services. Why? Well, because I didn't have super traditional manifestation of psychic skills, so I thought that meant I wasn't psychic. That's just not the truth. Every single psychic person looks WILDLY different. Why? Because our skills are based on who we are.  The way you receive your abilities will be based on how you interpret information with your regular senses, and often, what you do for a living comes into play. Like, if you're a musician you might have great psychic hearing. If you're a graphic designer, you could have great clairvoyance or an ability to recognize patterns.  I wasn't clairvoyant when I started doing psychic work, even though I have mediumistic skill. So, I thought I wasn't "a psychic". Nope, still psychic.

First, how does one receive psychic info?

You will receive your info through one of these senses or a combination of them.  Like, for example, I can say, someone "feels" yellow. This is clairsentience and clairvoyance intertwined. 

Here's some common indicators that you have latent psychic ability:

Do you often know who is calling before the phone rings? 

Do you often have a gut feeling about things, or 'just know' how things will go down in a lot of situations?

Do you receive a lot of inner knowing when people speak to you about something?

Do you often get chills when you know something is true, or have your hair stand up?

Do you sometimes hear thoughts in your head that are not yours, that give you guidance? Do you hear the voices of passed on loved ones, or people in your life, reminding you of things you need to do, or telling you something? (such as: Don't forget to pack your lunch)

Do you have precognition, like dreams that tell you what's going to happen (even if they are symbolic), or know the future either through hearing a thought about it, seeing a flash of something, your inner knowing, just feeling what will happen, etc?

Are you someone who daydreams frequently, or has a really rich ability to visualize?

Do you feel the emotions of others when you walk into a room, or know what's wrong with your loved ones without them telling you?

Do you often feel energy, when you're just sitting by yourself at home?

Do you smell things, like a say a perfume, or baked goods, when there's no reason for you to be?

Do you see colours around things? 

Does your family have superstitions like, when your hands itch, money is coming or being given away and are those true for you too?

Do you ever just know something, without a doubt, like it's an absolute unshakeable truth, and you feel that and you don't know how you know, you just do? And this doesn't come from thinking about it? (This is not a hunch, or a feeling- this is absolute knowing.)

If you've answered anything on this list with a yes... chances are you have latent psychic ability and I can help you develop that further!<3